Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thanksgiving comes early..thanks to the Black River Comedy Club & Homer(ville) Ruritan's.

Thanksgiving comes early in the school nurses office.
I would like extend my personal "thank you" to both the Black River Comedy Club and the Homer(ville) Ruritan's for their generous donation to the nurses clinic in the amount of $275.00 each for 2 new recovery couches (pictured above).
So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I ask all Black River families to join me in taking a moment over the upcoming holiday to convey your personal thanks to both organizations for the ongoing support this special gift represents to our students and this school system. If not for organizations such as these, community kindness would become a thing we only read about in our history books.
It is simple acts of kindness and random donations such as this that define a community. And there is not doubt as to how blessed Black River Local School District IS to have both these organizations in their midst.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.......
Nurse Donna

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