Friday, November 12, 2010

Hand Washing IS the #1 Preventative Measure in Keeping Your Children Healthy...

Once again I cannot stress enough the importance of instructing your children daily on proper hand washing techniques. It IS and remains per the Center of Disease Control the #1 method for thwarting off diseases and viruses. Equally I would ask that you remind children to keep their hands away from their mouth, eyes and noses as these are the three main entry areas viruses tend to enter.

This week I continue to see the GI bug (not influenza) which appears to be a virus causing diarrhea or vomiting (or both is a few cases). Pushing clear fluids, limiting solid food intake and treating of the fever is the most you can do at this time. Rest is the key as it will afford your child the opportunity to build back their strength far quicker than trying to return them to school sooner than they are physically ready.

Some may have heard we had a "suspected" case of Whooping Cough on the elementary side. Just to clarify and prevent speculation and rumors from spreading this child was treated for such but the physician DID NOT test for Whooping Cough hence as the Epidemiologist explained we truly will not know if this was truly a case of Pertussis/Whooping Cough or not. With this said; I cannot stress enough the need to check with your child(ren's) doctor to make certain that your child IS up to date on all their vaccinations.

As always I am a phone call away should you have any question related to illnesses currently in the building so do not hesitate to call.

Nurse Donna

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