It is extremely nice to see the closing of November ending with a huge decline in absentee's. At this time I am happy to state our absenteeism is 1-2% in the BREC which is a far cry from what we began the month with. This should make us all feel a sigh of relief. Clearly the students are doing what we asked of them in regards to hand washing, coughing into their arm and utilizing the paper cups as opposed to drinking straight from the fountains. From what I have heard Black River has had far less absenteeism than many of the surrounding school districts, so parents you should all be proud of the proactive measures this school has taken since the beginning of the school year.
With this said; I want you to be aware that we are still seeing a few cases of Influenza A, head lice and most recently a few cases of scabies (rash caused by a mite). Please pay attention to your children's complaints regardless of what they might be. One never knows when a complaint may just be an early warning sign of what's to come.
For now there is not much else to report health wise, so I will close wishing everyone a very happy Thanksgiving and a healthy Christmas Season to all.
Nurse Donna
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